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Steve Alves-Blyt

Software Engineer | Architect | Craft coach













Florian Carre
JHispster Lite contrib - FrontendBeers co-organisator

I had the opportunity to be mentored by Steve for 4 months. Before his arrival, I no longer enjoyed what I was doing. Thanks to the vision of code that Steve was able to give me, a love for well-done work, and the desire to produce quality, I found pleasure in my work again! Steve was a very good mentor, and in 4 months he helped me progress enormously, especially on questions of code maturity (craftsmanship, testing, stability, etc.). Additionally, he was also very good on all the non-developer aspects (SCRUM, Agile methodology, development quality) that he brought to the team. Thank you again!

Lionel Crusoe
Fullstack - devops consultant

I worked with Steve for about a year. We were in the same development team. I really enjoyed Steve taste for innovation and interest for studying new frameworks. It was a pleasure sharing information about a newly released platform or api with him

Sze Wai Yuan
Software Engineer

I had the pleasure to work with Steve on Givfolio. Steve is an excellent engineer with strong business acumen who can bring a product from zero to one! Steve single handedly wrote the entire Givfolio app. He exhibited tremendous thoughtfulness on the choice of technology and do not shy away from new technologies that he had not used before. In fact, Steve learned React Native on his own for Givfolio! Steve also demonstrated ability to manage the software development process. As the CTO, Steve is a key driver of feature prioritization, providing not only the technical point of view but also his vision for the product. He always communicated clearly with business stakeholders on the software development timeline and was able to deliver on key milestones on time. Most importantly, Steve approached his work with tremendous enthusiasm and was a great team player. I am sure he will add tremendous value to teams he will be part of in the future!